Believing in the Good of People….

I get disturbed every time I see someone being judged so harshly even before he/she is given a fair hearing. I have come across such unfortunate happenings where a person has been put on a pedestal and judgment pronounced upon him/her even before listening to them. How hypocritical we human beings are!!! What legal grounds do I have to say this person is bad or has done wrong even before I listen to their side of the story? Why does my vain mind, with its skewed reasoning, drive me so fast to think negative about a person?

I pose a question; are people inherently evil or inherently good? If I am told that something unpleasant has happened to a person, and I am not completely sure about the genesis of the whole thing, am I justified to think of that person as having done something bad until proven otherwise? Or should I think about the good of the person until proven bad? Am I right to heap blame upon blame on that person as having deserved what befell him/her? Or as having a hand in what happened to them? Could there be a perfectly good reason and explanation as to why something happened the way it did without the control of the person being branded as ‘bad’?  Can we give people the benefit of doubt?

Pray tell me, why does the good character, and name, of a person mysteriously disappear upon the face of an unfortunate and unexpected event? Does my previous ‘good character’ and ‘good name’ count for nothing? Can it be used to judge me fairly when I am seen or painted in bad light? I absolutely detest the righteous indignation we fallen men adopt while passing judgment to a supposedly sinful person. I detest the high moral ground we take branding ourselves as being beyond sin. We look so honorable and virtuous on the outside but we are completely fallen and broken on the inside just like the next person.

If God was to judge us basing on our being good or bad, how many of us would stand before him and prove a tight case of being good? If God were to punish us every time we went astray, how many of us would survive His wrath? Who are we, then, to judge fellow men so harshly? What moral authority do we have to judge our fellow man? Who are we to call someone evil; him whom God has made righteous through His son Jesus Christ?

Have you heard of the grace of God? Do you know that we would not have a stood a chance with God if it were not for His abounding grace and love? Do you know what the grace of God has done and continues to do in our lives as human beings?

Do you think you can ask God to help you believe in the good people?


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