Stories of Sabaot Women: Diana Chebet Olinyo

Please tell us your name and where you come from.

My maiden name is Diana Chebet Kaptoro Olinyo and name after marriage is Diana Chebet Keter. My ancestral home is Mt. Elgon Constituency, Namorio Sub-location. I am 34 years old.

What has been your academic journey? Please walk us through it.

I started my early school life in Mombasa, that is, nursery and primary school, then, later joined Kibuk Girls High School in Mt. Elgon for my secondary school education. I later joined Moi Forces Academy – Mombasa where I sat for my KCSE and did well, making me proceed to the University through Government sponsorship. The Joint Admissions Board (JAB) selected me to join Moi University, Faculty of Science, which is the current University of Eldoret where I pursued BSc. Microbiology from August 2009 to April 2013.

After my graduation in December 2013, I enrolled for short courses that made me a Lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Standard, Lead Auditor for ISO 15189:2012 Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) Standard and an implementer for ISO 31000:2018 – Enterprise Risk Management. In the year 2021 May, I enrolled for a Master of Science program in Health Systems Management (MSc.HSM). I look forward to graduate in November 2023.

What is your profession and what does it entail?

I currently work as a Senior Risk Management and Quality Assurance Specialist for Kenyatta National Hospital. My profession entails fronting Quality Improvement Programs and identifying, analyzing, treating and mitigating risks to ensure quality service delivery, hence, customer satisfaction.

Did you always desire to be in this field?

Oh yes! This is my dream come true!

What challenges have you faced in your growth? How did you overcome them?

Keeping pace with studies, pregnancy and raising a young child amidst career growth is quite a challenge. I must thank my boss for making it smooth for me by giving me some off days and making me go home early so I could attend to my young children.

Let’s talk about the Sabaot girl child, what, in your opinion, is the greatest challenge facing a young Sabaot woman today?

The Sabaot girl child needs a conducive environment to explore her potential. She is surrounded by a number of limiting factors most of which are cultural-based and paint the picture of her being confined to a corner defined by the society and that some achievements should be reserved for the boy child.

Do you think they have reached their full potential? If not, what do you think is preventing them from being outstanding?

I think that they have not reached their full potential because of the demeaning and demoralizing cultural practices.

What, then, should we do to make them great? What should the Sabaot girl child do to excel?

The girl child needs adequate exposure beyond her village and local town. She needs mentors and peers who will drive her energy and cultivate a positive mindset in her so that she can discover the power in her.

Let’s go back to you. What three words describe you?

Intelligent. Assertive. Leader.

What achievements are you most proud of?

In 2005, during my time at Kibuk Girls, I was awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, National Students’ Congress on Science and Technology for being Position 2 in a Physics Talk in the 43rd National Students’ Congress on Science and Technology at Moi Girls High School, Eldoret. I demonstrated the construction of a speed governor from a carburetor which I believe was implemented in the Kenyan transport sector.

Do you have any role models (women) that you look up to? Why?

My mother, Violet Temko Yona, is my role model. I really don’t know how much to say or where to start!

What are your future plans?

I look forward to being the Cabinet Secretary for Health in Kenya.

Parting shot?

I want to tell the Sabaot girl child that she can dream, and her dreams can come true. Sabaot girls and women are generally aggressive, eloquent and intelligent!

May we hold the hands of the little girls who are full of dreams to ensure their dreams come true and accomplish their mission on earth!


  1. Keep winning Chebet. We the villagers are proud of you

  2. Wow keep winning girl...we are behind you

  3. She has really inspired me I think I should get her to be my mentor😊

  4. I love her story. Inspiring indeed

  5. Simply inspirational!Keep going Yaaya#SabaotWomen

  6. Keep the fire burning

  7. my cousin Diana you are one f our pillars of kap olinyo continue aiming higher

  8. Excellent... Stay positive and keep dreaming for more!!!


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