I Am Walking Under God's Open Heaven.......

Today, I want to testify. I want to testify of the Lord's goodness in my life. Indeed, when He says be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth in Psalm 46:10, it is best not to doubt Him but wholly believe Him.  I agree that without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

In 2012, I deliberately grew more prayerful and drew closer to God. I was seeking a deeper relationship with God. Many are the times i knelt in my house and cried to God. The more I prayed, though, the more situations and circumstances seemed to remain the same. I wondered why God seemed so quiet yet I was making all these prayers. I remember people would speak positives into my life concerning certain issues but the situation around me was different.  I, once in awhile, would ask them what was taking God so long to answer me. I would jokingly ask whether it was really God who was confirming all that. Why then was it not being seen in the physical?

By the start of 2013, nothing significant had happened yet. I was still believing and trusting God to come through.  Nevertheless, by this time, I had learned something significant about the process I was going through. God was working on me as a person. He was preparing me to receive what He was going to give me. I grew spiritually and emotionally strong during this period. I learnt how to surrender my everything to God and to fully trust that He has my best interests at heart. I came to know that it was a learning and growing process for me.  God wanted me to be fully ready before He could physically reveal Himself to me.

Praise be to God who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Indeed, He is the God of all creation. There is nothing too hard for Him. When He says He will do something, though it may tarry, He will surely bring it to pass. I trusted God for big things in my life. I surrendered my will and my thoughts to Him. I asked Him to take over. I grew more peaceful with myself. My faith in Him grew. I knew that He had/has good plans for me.

One more thing that I learnt during the process is that you must run with the vision that God places in your heart. If you do not, you delay your own blessings. It is until you do what God asks you to do at a particular time that other doors will be flung open. I vividly remember how my heart was convicted to do something. Spiritually close people around me confirmed it. My friends and colleagues asked about it. It was prophetically and publicly confirmed as well. My heart was being pushed within me to do it. It was going to be a big leap of faith from my side. It was a test of how much and how far I could trust God and His word.  I procrastinated for some months but my heart could not give me peace. I finally decided to plunge in and leave the rest to God.

Months down the road after I made this decision and it feels like God finally said 'Brendah, you are ready now.' One thing after another has started happening. Everything that I trusted God for is being unveiled one at a time. God has elevated me to another level. My faith has been catapulted and I trust God for much bigger things. I can confidently speak of God's goodness in my life because I have the evidence. I have also noticed that when all these started unraveling, I am receiving sometimes instant or quick answers to my prayers.  I am seeing God work in people I pray for. I have seen God working out issues in peoples' lives that were once a jinx. I have witnessed God revealing and confirming to me issues that I never knew about before.

Even though I have put myself up for war with the kingdom of darkness, I know God has fully equipped me. God has also brought to my side a special person who is willing and ready to fight for what is rightfully mine and ours. In all these, I thank God and testify about His goodness.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am walking under God's open heaven and I am super excited!


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