Dedication to My Mom and Dad

Dear Dad,
Do you remember the talk we had with you one time when we were driving home? Just the two of us? How you told me your story of your rise to become a bank manager? I was amazed by that story that I had to confirm from Mom first. And when I did, Sylviah and Emmah were the first people i called to ask whether they knew about your story.

I was humbled Daddy, by your humility. I was humbled by how hard you have/had worked to climb the ladder to where you were. I was humbled by the fact that you are very humble. I do not remember any day you raised your voice or even your finger against us. Instead, you talked to us and pumped sense in to our heads. I hope we are turning out into being the children you want us to be.

Dad, I have never seen a more generous person like you. I remember making a prayer one day, tears streaming down my cheeks,  that if God were to bless me, let Him bless me the way He has blessed you.   You have been a dad to many. You have bought people in to our home and raised them as our own. You have given out your money to educate not only us but also them. You have given a lifeline to so many people.

Dad, employees and clients at your former place of work still ask about you. They wish you had not retired. They say you were like a father to them. You have brought so many people to God. Your name where I am now, even though you left, has opened so many doors for me. And people sing praises of you.

Thank you for taking all of us to school. Thank you for giving each one of us the chance to pursue our dreams. Thank you for always being there to dedicate any development and achievement of your children to God. Thank you for a being a pastor, bishop, priest, protector, provider and a father.

Today, you sent your daughters this message in the morning:

Hi my daughter! It is well with you because God is on your side. Be strong in Him leaving nothing to chance. Know the destiny of your soul by clinging to Jesus Christ each day you live on earth. Remember your siblings to encourage them on the same. Amen.

It is like you knew we needed to hear this from you. It changed my day. It made it brighter. I know how you love us your daughters so much to even come up with SONAC. Only you, Mom, Cy, Em and I know what that means. God being our strength and help, it shall blossom.

And now I want to make a prayer for you: May God grant you good health. May He grant you long life. May you see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. May you never lack. Just as you have opened your hands to give to people and to the work of God, is the same way God will shower you with His eternal and spiritual blessings. May your Ministry be blessed. May you realize that which God has put in your heart. Amen.

I love you Daddy.

Dear Mom,
First off, let me say i love you. I cannot exchange you for any other mother. You have been a pillar of strength and a true definition of what a mother's love is. I remember our growing up and how you used to discipline me and my elder sister. At that time, we thought you were to harsh and  almost thought you didn't like us much.

Sylviah and I always say that we were beaten the most. May be because we are among your first children. Little did we know that you saw the future and how you wanted us to turn out. Mom, many people have praised us. Many people have said that we have been brought up well. Many people say we must be having a mother who is very sensible.

Thank you for loving us through the constant discipline. Now, i realize that it is not because you had anything against us but that you love us so much to let us grow with issues that might have affected us. Looking at our siblings who have come behind us, but most especially your last born Daniella, the way she jokes with you, the way she is so free with you and how not scared she is of you. I like that fact a lot because i know you are advancing in age and you might not have the same strength you had when Sylviah and I were little kids. Do not worry though, we shall take care of our younger ones so that they are raised up in the same way you raised us up.

Mom, one thing I know for sure is that you pray for us. I know you mention the name of each and every of your child. I am amazed at how much insight you have about each of our lives. God made you our Mom for a reason. You understand us so well. Both our strengths and weaknesses yet you love all of us the same way. What I am now, Mom, is because you wake up very early every morning to mention our names to the One who is able to make our dreams come true. Indeed, there is power in a praying woman.

Mom, I remember the many times you have left everything to be by our side. Most recently, i remember I was feeling so low and all i wanted was to sit with you in my house and talk to you. You did not hesitate but rather traveled to be with me. You listened to what I had to say. You gave me advice and i felt ok. I am sure my brothers and sisters have situations of their own where you were there for them.

Mom, you have taught us values of hard work, discipline, respect for one self and others, prayer, Bible study and general christian living. Thank you very much Mama.

Oh, and thank you too for the times you interceded on behalf of any of us when Daddy was being too difficult about something. You always know how to talk to him.

My prayer for you is that you shall live long. You shall have good health. You shall live to carry many of your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Your Ministry shall be blessed. Amen.


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