So, what about Valentines Day?

14th February, a day most men do not look forward to because 'women expect too much from men'. I have my questions concerning this day, for example,

Do women deposit enough in to their sweethearts' love banks to warrant a withdrawal of the same on such a day? Why is it that it is expected so much of men to treat their women and not vice versa?
Is this day really meant to show love to our mothers, fathers, sisters and all those who fall into the 'loved ones' bracket? Isn't it meant for men-women in a kind of erotic relationship?

Anyway, since today is Valentines Day, i would like to share my thoughts about some of the issues concerning love. From the outset, let me say I am no expert in love and marriage.

First,it is public knowledge that there is so much skepticism about love and the whole marriage institution. I have heard people say there is no longer 'love' in this world. We have heard of so many sad stories in the circles where love is/was supposed to reign supreme. Men and women have perfected the art of playing mind games in the name of love. It is no wonder that so many marriages are breaking and people have locked 'love' in some unreachable cage.

Second, let me state that I believe in love. Not in the feeling but the concept of it. I believe we have wrongly defined love to be some kind of feeling we have towards some one. I have read numerous articles on this topic and one that caught my attention was 'Love is not a feeling, it is a choice'. You choose to love someone with all his/her strengths and weaknesses. You love them through the good and bad times. Of course, there are some basic or ground rules before you choose to love that man or woman.

Third, I believe that there can never be love outside of God.
1 Cor 13 : 4 - 8 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

1 Corinthians 13:6-7: Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

To me, these verses summarize all that love is but we cannot achieve what these verses talk about unless we are wholly given to God. I think the problem we have is in getting all sorts of advice from questionable sources concerning these issues.

Gentlemen, there are good women out there. There are godly women in the world. You only need to know what you want and how to get it. It is unfortunate, and this I meant to say for a very long time, that some men have put women in one basket. Having some rotten potatoes in the basket does not mean all of them are rotten. If you dig deeper to the bottom of the basket, you might find not one but plenty of good potatoes therein.

Gentlemen, a woman who is wholly submitted to God and is fully transformed, no matter her status financially, materially or education wise should be able to submit to you. Let not your inferiority complex deprive you of a good woman. A godly woman will not load it over you about her achievements.

Ladies, when the Bible says be submissive to your husbands, it is not taking us back to being their slaves. I believe a man who is truly submitted to the headship of God is a different man.There is something refreshing about a man who lays down his power, control, wisdom and all that he knows to the Lordship of Christ. This man is basically saying ' With my own strength i cannot make it. I need a higher power to be able to sustain what He has entrusted me with'.

Ladies, disrespecting your man because you are emancipated will not keep your marriage intact. Demeaning your man before your girlfriends will not help you much. Following the gossip and 'advice' from ungodly men and women, some in the media,will not ensure a safe marriage.

So, as the world celebrates Valentines Day, I pray that we get the true definition and meaning of love from the one who loved us first: God.


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