My 2012 in Review.

I have been reprimanding myself for not updating my blog more often. I do not like making resolutions aloud but I would like to try and write better and more this 2013.

So, how was my 2012? Well, i remember starting the year with so much hope, promise, energy, vibrancy and all the positive nouns i can think of. I felt like i could take on the world and achieve any thing i wanted.

Days, weeks and months down the year, i achieved some, failed some, got knocked down, picked myself up, got discouraged, encouraged myself to trudge on and finally finished the year.

So, here goes:

One of my greatest achievement and by far the most important was that i deliberately grew more prayerful and worked on my relationship  with God. On reflection, i think this is one aspect that kept me going despite the fall backs and disappointments.

I decided that there are some people i am going to leave in 2012. Unfortunately, most of these people are of the male gender. They will not feature in my 2013 because they were dishonest, liars and some downright disgusting. Kind reminder: I am not referring to any man-woman relationships.

But I did have friends, both male and female, who were very instrumental in 2012. Those ones who stuck by me in good and bad times. Those ones i poured my frustrations on when things were not going so well. I still believe there are still good friends out there.

Always irreplaceable. In 2012, we had our ups and downs but I was always reminded the value of family. We were there for each other. Loved, cried, supported, encouraged and affirmed each other. I always like it when we all meet at home in December. Somehow, all the quarrels we had within the year are forgotten and we revel in the presence of each other.

Oh, well. I have nothing to say on this.

When i started my Masters, i never knew i would finish the first year which was the most hectic. A year down the line and I am thanking God for this far I have come. Lesson learnt: I will never procrastinate again. I will do what needs to be done at the right time. So, for 2013, I will take the classes that need to be taken.

I have enjoyed my work. I love my job with all its stresses. Looking forward to what 2013 holds for me.

Year 2013
Taking it one day at a time. Heavily leaning on God for provision and encouragement


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