Live and Let Live

Dear Diary,

Today, i am reminded of a friend who used and still tells me how wrapped up I am in peoples opinion about me. He usually says "The problem with you Brendah is that you mind a lot about what people will say about what you that you risk your whole life being lived by them." May be, i did not understand it then.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot  about that statement. How many times have I stopped myself from doing something i wanted to do so much because of the 'so called' people who, I assume, are looking at me to criticize me and point a finger at me and say "Surely, not you Brendah. We expect so much from you."

While carrying out a profile interview about any person who has made it in life, the last question they are usually asked goes like this "If you were given another chance to live, would you have done things differently." If i was to be asked that question today, I would say 'Yes'. I would have done things differently.

How? I hear you asking. Well, i would give love another chance. I would dance my worries and fears away. I would take life less seriously because I live only once. I would laugh at things that would otherwise make me cry. I would cry at the simple kindness and love from people.I would tell people i treasure and love that I love and treasure them. I would throw caution to the wind and live my life to the full.

Yes, if God were to give me another chance, i would not need rocket science to make simple decisions about my life  basing my decisions on entirely me and not what people will say or think. Because i know that it is then, and only then, that I will have fulfilled my real purpose on this earth.


  1. wow..i really needed to hear this from someone...laughing out of things that would normally make u cry...make more decisions without worry and just live life.....:-) makine a difference today


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