This Far I have Come: The Journal of a Working Masters Student.

I write this post in gratitude for the far I have come. I am grateful to God, my parents, my friends, my mentors and all the others who encouraged me in my First Year of my Masters. I did finally finish my first year and the feeling was quite exhilarating. I felt like screaming and jumping up for joy.

Truly, hard work pays. When I started in October 2011, i knew it was going to be a tough journey. And it was. I almost gave up especially during the last months. But i survived by the grace of God.

So, I am done with my first year. I am done with excessive traveling. Now to second year. I have been warned about research and fieldwork. To be truthful, i am not really looking forward to the whole research issues but I have to.

In every year, I have people who encourage me and urge me to push forward. At this time, I am grateful to all those people who are up there in their professions, for constantly finding out how i am fairing on. For telling me to keep on working hard and telling me of the myriad opportunities available.

I am grateful to my lecturers. Our interactions in class were interesting and worthwhile. You opened up my mind to think beyond the normal. For pricking my ability to think, be philosophical and inquisitive about everyday things. I am grateful that i came to know such fine professionals who have excelled in their trade. I am grateful for the networks and opportunities this has presented to me.

I would like to walk in your shoes and may be surpass the points you have reached. You have birthed something in me;academically.

Thank you everyone for making this happen!  


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