Happy Sad Week: The Journal of a Working Masters Student.

Dear Diary,

The last week has been one of sorts. It felt almost like the universe had decided to work against me. I will talk of two things: Examinations and Deaths.

Dear Diary, since the year started i have lost several friends, a relative and acquaintances.  Never have i been devastated by the occurrence of events. It started with the killing of the hubby to my friend by Al Shabaab in Somalia. It was too painful because barely a month ago had i been a maid in their wedding. You can imagine the shock when i learnt of his death; they had barely lived as a married couple!

And  then, Dear Diary, on a Friday that had gone so well and we were all looking forward to the weekend, i receive a message at 0100 a.m that a friend and a colleague whom we had been with during the day had passed on through a grisly road accident. I was truly devastated and that was a night of nightmares of sorts! Dear Diary, Oscar was just like me; shuttling to and from Kisumu to attend classes just like i shuttle to and fro Eldoret to attend classes. He actually met his death when he was coming from class.We actually lost two staff in that accident. Dear Diary, i repented on having taken life for granted.

After my examinations, Dear Diary, my Mommy calls to tell me that my immediate cousin was hit by a vehicle in Nairobi. I mean, how many bad news can somebody possibly take? My cousin was in the Intensive Care Unit and the doctor's report was so final: his brain had been damaged beyond recovery and his senses lost too. The morning we had agreed to finally remove the life supporting system, he passed on during the night.

Dear Diary, this was a cousin i loved dearly. I wanted the best for him and his sister and brother. I had been praying for them to change their lives but that chance slipped away when he died. I was sad. Rest in Peace Herbert Kiprop Kimonge. I love you.

I was happy that finally we started our exams. I am sure i told you long time ago that i love reading and studying. So, for me exams were like going for a holiday in Mombasa. It has never been a scare to me and in all that i have done, i have excelled. Nevertheless, Dear Diary, when my classmates and I had downed four papers and we were psyched up about the remaining three, they were postponed. Even though we managed to sit for two of the three papers, one is still not yet done. Well, to say the truth, i was kind of disappointed because i so wanted to be done with the first semester but then again, i decided to approach it positiviely by telling myself that nothing happens by coincidence and that God knows how to handle my issues.

So, Dear Diary, that is how my week was but i was happy that i also got the chance to go to Mombasa and unwind.  And, in all these things, i have leanrt to thank God and to depend upon His Word.


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