Growing Up; the faster way.

I am not a fan of Tanzanian music but i happened to listen to Jaydee's song; i forget the title. In her song, she says she longs for the days she was a baby; an angel as she refers to babies. Basically, she sings of how babies do not have a care in the world because they have 'protectors' who shield them from the harshness of life.

Well, i found myself agreeing totally with Jaydee. Of recent, i have felt like i have had to grow up real fast. With work responsibilities vis a vis advancing my education,  family commitments, relationships (not particularly man-woman relationship), chasing the dollar through other means and such like life issues, i have definitely had to discard the nappies and fit into shoes i feel are too big for me.

Sometimes, I wish i was still under my parents roof or i wouldn't have to work and study. I wish i was immune to heartache and betrayal, i wish i would not have to work so much or so hard.

Yet, i cannot have my cake and eat it. I must lose some and gain some. I must deny myself some momentary pleasures for a blissful future. I want to be a millionaire by fourty years; i am just twenty.

My submission is this: the sky is not the limit. Only God can  say i have reached my limit because He is the one who blesses me. And I am blessed beyond measure!


  1. I miss those days too, I read a quote once that said:
    When I was 15 I thought my parents were ignorant, now that am 30 am surprised at how much they have learnt!


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