Dear Diary, I am a perfectionist and when i set my might to do or achieve something, i really go for it. I always do not want to stumbling blocks to come my way. Do not get me wrong, though, i do welcome challenges because they teach me something new. Dear Diary, i have always loved reading. When i was young, i would read anything i would lay my hands on. The number of novels i have read are countless. My reading culture was a known fact starting from my primary school days up to my undergraduate. And it all paid because i always excelled. But, Dear Diary, reading has proved to be quite tiresome and tasking in my postgraduate. I can barely concentrate for thirty minutes. My mind is always on a multi-tasking mode; i want to read, watch a movie, visit friends, listen to music all at the same time. So, you can imagine, Dear Diary, how disappointed i was when, after trying my best to prepare for my first semester postgraduate examinations, it is postponed at the last minute. I was...