Is Love Worth Its Definition?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. It also defines it as an attraction based on sexual desire out of affection and tenderness felt by lovers. O thers define it as a willingness to prioritize another's well-being or happiness above your own. Still, others define it as a fleeting emotion of care, affection, and like. In the current advanced African society, it is almost expected that love should lead to marriage whether the marriage be blissful or not. This is unlike the past where love did not play a central role in the success or failure in the union of two strangers. Trusted elders of two families would agree, after intensive investigations for any flaws in the family line one desired to get married to and, if they were satisfied, a traditional marriage ceremony would then follow. These marriages seemed to stand the test of time and survive the turbulence which comes with this institut...