In My Weakness, the Lord is My Strength……

In the last couple of weeks, I have taken a beating over who I am. Those who read my blog might remember that I posted an article about ‘Facing My Insecurities’. In the article, I wrote about how God had fought the battle to win my heart and mind over insecurities I had as a child and a young adult. I wrote about how God brought people my way, people I did not know before and whom I have no relation with, to affirm and love me. I concluded by saying that God had loved me out of my cage through these people. I have been told, on many occasions, that I am too serious or too strict for the liking of many people. Some say I am unapproachable. Others say I am harsh. Still, others say I am proud. To my closest friends and family, they know I am none of those things- I hope. It is unfortunate how someone can just look at you from afar, without any sort of interaction, and come to the conclusion that you are harsh or proud. I have been told: ‘Loosen up a bit’. ‘Sm...