
Showing posts from 2016

In My Weakness, the Lord is My Strength……

In the last couple of weeks, I have taken a beating over who I am. Those who read my blog might remember that I posted an article about ‘Facing My Insecurities’. In the article, I wrote about how God had fought the battle to win my heart and mind over insecurities I had as a child and a young adult. I wrote about how God brought people my way, people I did not know before and whom I have no relation with, to affirm and love me.   I concluded by saying that God had loved me out of my cage through these people. I have been told, on many occasions, that I am too serious or too strict for the liking of many people. Some say I am unapproachable. Others say I am harsh. Still, others say I am proud. To my closest friends and family, they know I am none of those things- I hope. It is unfortunate how someone can just look at you from afar, without any sort of interaction, and come to the conclusion that you are harsh or proud. I have been told: ‘Loosen up a bit’. ‘Sm...

You Shall See Them No More....

Do you remember the story of Balak and Balaam? It is found in Numbers 22 through to Numbers 24. Three times Balaam blessed the children of Israel instead of cursing them as Balak had asked him to do. Their mistake? The children of God were becoming too powerful. God had/was blessing them abundantly. The nations around them did not like this turn of events. Do you also remember that it is in this story that God sent an angel with a sword to stand before Balaam and the city of God? That he might not go ahead and curse it? Balaam blessed them from three different angles instead of cursing them. There are specific excerpts from that story that have caught my attention. The angel of the Lord ordered Balaam to speak only the words he tells him over Israel (Num 22:35). Do you know what he was to say?: Num 23:8- How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy,whom the Lord hath not defied? (1st Round). Num 23:19-23-God is not a man, that He should lie;neither the son...